The What, Why & How of Mailmark 2014 – Guide By Mailcoms

By now, you will probably of heard about Mailmark 2014, the new franking barcode mark as released by Royal Mail. By choosing to use Mailmark, you will replace the older postage mark on your mail. The barcode looks different from the standard impression, but it does bring with it many great franking machine benefits and capabilities. This will aid both Royal Mail and your business. View our blog here and see the what, why and how of Mailmark 2014.

What is Mailmark 2014?

The What, Why & How of Mailmark 2014Mailmark 2014 is a new initiative released by Royal Mail during 2014. It is a new mail preparation product. By having Mailmark in your franking machine, you will replace your old franking impression for a new 2D barcode. This will bring with it many useful benefits that can and will be very advantageous to both business users and Royal Mail.

Why use Mailmark 2014?

When you use Mailmark 2014 in your franking machine, your business can gain access to a wide range of extra benefits. These benefits make owning a Mailmark franking machine very useful. View the extra Mailmark benefits and it will make sense why you should become Mailmark compliant.

  • Clearer Impressions – Clearer impressions of your mail class, size and carrier allow Royal Mail to process your mail easier.
  • Always up to date – Automatic tariff updates mean correct postage payments every time.
  • Low Franking Prices – Save even more money when using the lower Mailmark prices.
  • LAN Connectivity – Drop the analogue line and have faster download speeds by using a LAN.
  • Access to useful data – Barcode franking will give you access to useful data.

These are just some of the many Mailmark benefits that can be gained when using Mailmark in your franking machine. Find out more from our Mailmark Franking Machines page.

How to get Mailmark 2014?

If you are interested in using Mailmark 2014 in your current franking machine then you can receive a low cost Mailmark Franking Machine Quote here.

OR you can check with your franking machine supplier to see if your current machine is Mailmark compliant. If it is, then you can get Mailmark in an instant. If it isn’t, then you may want to buy a new Mailmark compliant franking machine. Simple!

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