Heavy Duty Co-Extruded Mailing Bags

Heavy Duty Co-Extruded Mailing Bags
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Reliable Heavy Duty Mailing Sacks

Heavy duty mailing sacks & bags are designed to deal with any bulkier, heavier and/or shaper items that are not quite suited for a standard mailing bag. By being heavy duty, these mailing bags are made from tougher and durable 90 micron polythene whilst being nearly twice as thick as regular polythene mailing bags.

All of our heavy duty coextruded postal mailing sacks are made from high quality materials, are recyclable and they adhere to Royal Mail’s PiP guidelines for more accurate postage cost calculations.

Franking machines designed for parcels, packets & letters

Mailcoms Mailsend Franking Machine

No. 1 on Trustpilot for service