The Best Franking Machine Features – The Software

Many people believe that all franking machines are the same and that they are only used for one main purpose – to print postage onto outgoing mail. To an extent people are right. All franking machines do allow you to send mail at a lower discounted price and can help increase your office’s productivity. However many franking machines come with other great features that you may not be aware of (such as Mailmark). View our overview of these software features below.


A franking machine can be very helpful when it comes to tax returns. They report on the postage costs so there is no requirement to collect every single receipt from a postage purchase. Many franking machines allow you to assign postage costs to certain people or departments in the business via the use of account codes, ensuring you are in complete control of your postage expenditure. Track your costs more effectively and ease the process of analysing where the postage costs are coming from. There are many reports available depending on the franking machine used.

Postage Reset

Franking machines come with the useful feature of resetting the postage rates to a default price after every usage. This will ensure that the correct price is printed every time, eliminating the risk of over or under paying for mail. For example if you decide to send your mail via second class mail but you need to send one letter via first class mail, this feature ensures that the postage resets back to second class mail after applying your first class franking impression. Pretty useful if you ask us! Some franking machines also come with the added feature of security buttons, helping you to reduce or eliminate the risk of franking machine abuse.

Password Protection

Preventing abuse of the franking machine is a major importance for any business and franking machines can come with password protection to ensure only authorised personnel use the franking machine. This means the franking machine is not functional without the password being inserted. This will reduce the chances of the franking machine being abused for personal mailing or other type of miss use.

Smart Meter & Mailmark

A final feature of a franking machine is the franking machine technologies. Both smart meter and Mailmark technologies are accessible in all modern franking machines, allowing for businesses to benefit further when franking. Smart meter gives you access to all VAT services and Mailmark gives you access to further postage discounts. These technologies have advanced the franking machine industry and prove very useful for businesses.

If you are interested in getting a franking machine today then please view our franking machine page here or call us today on 01543 572 776. We are a Royal Mail Authorsied Independent Inspector & Maintainer of Franking Machines and we can supply you our very own range of models.

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