Buy Or Rent A Franking Machine? That Is The Question

How a business handles their mail is something that all businesses will need to discuss. This decision is important as you may wish to transition to a franking machine or continue using stamps. From our eyes, the decision is easy. However to many businesses a franking machine is brand new territory and this can be a bit daunting. Even if a business decides to frank mail, there is the question of whether to buy or rent a franking machine.

Buying a franking machine does have many benefits. You own the franking machine there and then, there are no rental agreements involved and many businesses find that buying the franking machine outright is a better financial decision in the long run.

There are many reasons to rent a franking machine however and these are discussed more below.

Mailcoms Mailbase Pro Franking Machine

Financial Constraints

There is no arguing the fact that buying a franking machine outright will cost a lot of money upfront. At the point of making the decision to start franking mail, the volume of mail you send is vital and may not justify this expense. This makes renting more appealing as the money involved could be better spent elsewhere in the company.

Routine Maintenance

It is important for both the supplier and the purchaser that the condition of a franking machine is maintained in good working order. If this is not achieved then a customer can potentially be left unhappy and the supplier can potentially receive a poorly maintained machine at the end of the rental agreement. Renting a franking machine almost guarantees a franking machine is in top condition.

Better Postage Rates

No matter how you pay for your franking machine, your business will gain access to lower postage rates immediately. This is usually the strongest factor for businesses to make the change. Lower postage rates means money will be saved. So if your business cannot afford the franking machine right now, rent one and benefit from saving money on your postage for a potential future purchase.

How Can We Help?

Mailcoms are one of the Royal Mail’s Authorised independent inspectors and maintainers of franking machines and as such we can provide you with a franking machine to suit your needs. Whether you want to buy or rent a franking machine, or just genuinely want some advice on making this decision, we are more than happy to help.

A Mailmark franking machine can help massively when sending your mail. If you are interested in getting a franking machine or upgrading to a Mailmark franking machine with even lower prices available, then please view our franking machine page here or call us today on 01543 572 776.

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