Using a Franking Machine to get Professional Mail

Any businessman will know that is it crucial to make a good impression. Whether it is your mail or your physical appearance, making a good impression is very important. If you fail to convey a professional appearance then it is possible that you will lose custom. Believe it or not a franking machine can help you with this, as more professional mail can be produced when franking.

Example of Professional Mail

Using a Franking Machine to get Professional Mail

A franking machine can make your mail more professional, and there are various tricks that you can take advantage of when franking. See how you can use a franking machine to get professional mail below.

Marketing Messages!

Printing postage on envelopes is standard, but you may not be aware that a franking machine can also print your company logo. Before a customer opens your mail item they will be hit with your company logo. They will then recognise your professional mail with your business.

With your company logo on the envelope, the mail you send will stand out from the crowd and it will be easily identifiable to customers. Customers will know what to expect and start reading your mail with the right expectations.

Don’t Miss Pay For Your Mail!

If you under or over pay for your mail then the receiver may have to pay the difference and the handling fee. Royal Mail will still deliver the item but a fee may be applied if you miss pay. This will lead to customer dissatisfaction as they will be charged for a mail piece and this is not very professional.

A franking machine with scales however will eliminate any risk of the user miss paying for a mail piece. Accurate postage will always be applied. The weighing scale will weigh the mail piece and this will ensure correct postage is printed. These measures will protect you from miss paying and disappointing customers.

Make a Good Impression & Always Send Professional Mail

You can start making your mail more professional today with a franking machine. As you can see franking mail can improve the professional image your business portrays. View our range of franking machines here and receive a quick franking machine quote.

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