A well-maintained franking machine is essential in ensuring smooth mailing operations and avoiding costly downtime in the mailroom. Regular franking machine maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your franking machine but also ensures accurate postage calculations and professional-quality prints all the time. In this blog, we’ll share some essential yet basic maintenance tips you can perform to help you keep your franking machine in top condition, saving you time and money while maximising its efficiency.
Clean the Rollers & Sensors Regularly
The first tip we can give is that you regularly clean the rollers and sensors on your franking machine. To perform this, all you need is a can of compressed air duster which you then aim and spray where you feed your envelopes as this is where the rollers and sensors are located. The reason for this is that quite often, pieces of paper, fluff, debris and dust can easily get lodged between the rollers and/or sensors which will result in the franking machine to not work properly. By performing this simple trick on a weekly or bi-weekly basis you can ensure the feeder is continuously clear of debris.
Perform a Daily Maintenance Cycle
Next, it is important that you perform a daily maintenance cycle on the franking machine, even if you do not intend to use the franking machine. All you need to do is simply power up and power down the franking machine because it performs a standard maintenance cycle each time it is powered on. By doing this also, the ink will not become dry and stagnant as the maintenance cycle uses a tiny amount of ink as part of its maintenance cycle. As with any electronic device, if it is not used it will deteriorate in ability and output quality. Therefore it is important that the franking machine is powered on daily so that it can perform its own maintenance cycle and ensure it is in tip top condition whenever it is is used.
Frank All Mail Continuously
A key tip that people often forget is that it is well advised that you frank all your mail in one go, continuously if possible. The reason for this is that when you keep restarting the franking machine, as you read above, it will perform a standard maintenance cycle. This cycle typically uses some of your franking ink and as a result, you will not get the most out of the ink cartridge. Therefore we suggest that you frank all your mail in one go to get the most out of your ink cartridge.
Ignore Unsolicited Phone Calls
Many of our customers have reported calls from companies purporting to be from ‘your franking machine supplier’ or from ‘the Royal Mail’ with either offers for franking machine supplies or requesting information regarding your franking machine licence. As a result, many customers have been misled or pressured into purchasing overpriced substandard products that can damage your franking machine and void your warranty. Please remember, Mailcoms & the Royal Mail will NEVER call you to try and sell you supplies for your franking machine. If you are not expecting a call from us, odds are it is not us. However should we need to contact you, we will verify it is Mailcoms contacting you and we most often email in advance.
Use our Support
Remember, if you ever need franking machine support Mailcoms are here to help 5 days a week, between 9AM & 5PM. If you run into any issues or error messages simply call us on 01543 572 776 or email us info@mailcoms.co.uk and one of the team will be in touch to help resolve your issue(s). Leaving such problems will cause further damage to the franking machine so it is recommended to fix any issues as and when the arise to keep the franking machine operational and in the best condition to frank mail. We also have a wide range of franking machine support available online should you face any issues outside of our working hours as a lot of problems can be found and fixed by our online support.
At Mailcoms, we also offer a range of franking machines. If you are interested in getting a franking machine or wish to upgrade to a Mailmark franking machine with even lower prices available, then please view our franking machine page here or call us today on 01543 572 776.
We are a Royal Mail Authorised Independent Inspector & Maintainer of Franking Machines with over 20,000 customers nationwide and we can supply you with our very own range of models.