Mailstart & Mailstart+ Printing Support
Watch this video to learn how to replace the ink cartridge for the franking machine.
NOTE: Your franking machine works on an ink drop system to determine when your ink is low and when your ink is out. If your ink cartridge is removed and then re-installed, the ink count begins again.
1. When the ink is low the orange light will usually light up in the top right corner.
2. To change the ink, lift the keypad and close it back down.
3. The machine will now display “change ink cartridge?”, press yes/enter.
4. Lift the keypad and you will see the cartridge is in position ready to change.
5. Press down on the unlock button on the green clasp to unlock the cartridge.
6. Remove the old cartridge from the machine.
7. Open the new cartridge by removing the packaging and the silver tape from the bottom.
8. Insert the cartridge with the Mailcoms label facing towards you.
9. Press the green locking down using the indent without the image, to lock the cartridge in place.
10. Close the keypad on the machine.
11. The machine will display “Install ink done”, press the yes/enter button.
12. The machine will now display “IMPORTANT- is the ink installed”, press yes/enter.
13. The ink cartridge has now been installed.
Watch this video to learn how to replace the print head for the franking machine.
Alternatively you can download our changing the printhead PDF here or follow the instructions below.
To Improve the printing quality of your franking machine you may need to replace the print head. To do this please follow the following simple steps:
1. Release the green clasp by clicking the unlock button.
2. Remove the cartridge and place to one side as this will be put back in afterwards.
3. At the front of the carriage, squeeze the two clips together and lift the mechanism to reveal the printhead inside.
4. Lift out the old printhead using one of the two raised plastic parts in the centre.
5. Remove the packaging and the blue tape from your new printhead.
6. Seat into the recess where the old printhead was sitting.
7. Pull down the black mechanism until it locks in place. You will hear a click when it closes.
8. Reinstall the ink cartridge into the machine, with the Mailcoms label facing towards you.
9. Press down the indent without the image on the green clasp, to lock the cartridge in place.
10. Close the cover.
11. Press yes/enter to confirm the new printhead has been installed. If the printhead was changed whilst the machine was powered down. Reinsert the power lead now.
12. Test the print to complete the process.
To improve printing quality please follow the following simple steps:
1. Press “Options” once.
2. Use the Review keys ▲▼ to scroll and select “Use ink functions?”. Confirm by pressing Enter/Yes.
3. Use the Review keys ▲▼ to scroll and select “Clean printer nozzles?”. Confirm by pressing Enter/Yes.
4. Display will show “Preparing Ink” Please wait …”, whilst printer nozzles are being cleaned.
5. When display message “Insert envelope” appears, please do so. The machine is preparing a test pattern.
6. Display says “Test pattern OK? (lines complete)”.
7. If you are satisfied with the result, confirm by pressing Enter/Yes. If there are lines missing, select No. In this case the machine will clean the nozzles again.
Note: If after cleaning, the print results do not improve or even deteriorate, the cartridge may be empty or there could be a potential fault with the print head. Please contact support for further guidance.
Watch this video to learn how to frank a letter or parcel.
1. From the home screen, press the “Class” button.
2. Select the option “Royal Mail” by pressing the yes/enter button.
3. Use the review buttons to select the service that you require.
4. Now you need to select your size, you can do this by measuring your item using your Mailcoms PIP ruler.
5. Once you have selected your size press yes/enter.
6. The machine will now display a price for the item selected.
7. You know need to weigh your item, simply place this on the scale and the machine will adjust the price according to the weight.
8. Insert your item into the front to frank your item.
Please Note: If your item is to large to insert in the machine, use your Mailcoms franking labels and affix to the item.
1. Press the “Menu / Options” key.
2. Use the Review keys ▲▼ to scroll and select “Use ink functions?”.
3. Use the Review keys ▲▼ to scroll and select “Print test pattern?”.
4. When prompted, insert an envelope or tape sheet into the franking machine.
5. When prompted, remove the envelope.
6. At the prompt “Is test pattern OK?”, do one of the following:
– If the test pattern looks good, press “Enter/Yes”. The franking machine returns to the main screen.
– If the test pattern is poor, press “No”. The meter will clean the printer nozzles. When complete, the franking machine prompts you to insert an envelope or tape sheet.
– If the test pattern is not good, the problem could be the print head, see the information above about cleaning the print head on your franking machine and to view the steps to troubleshoot the print head.
You may wish to see how many items your franking machine has franked during its life time. To do this, simply:
1. Click the funds button.
2. Using the down arrow key, scroll down until you see “Total Pieces” or “Piece Count”. Here you will see a number highlighting the amount your franking machine has franked.
Watch this video to learn how to run a print maintenance cycle.
1. From the home screen press menu/options.
2. Review down until you find “Use ink functions?”, Press yes/enter.
3. Review down until you find “Clean printer nozzles?”, press yes/enter.
4. The machine will now perform a cleaning cycle which can take a few minutes.
5. Once complete, the machine will prompt to insert an item to produce a test print.
6. Check the impression and if it is ok press yes/enter. If its still not perfect press the No button to repeat the process.