DM110i/DM160i/DM220i Scales Support

Watch this video to learn how to get your scales working correctly if they are showing manual weight on your franking machine.

To get your scales working correctly if they are showing manual weight please follow the following simple steps:

1. Remove the scale from the top of the machine.

2. Reseat the scale making sure, the sides are sitting flush with the lid of the machine.

3. Press the “Clear” button a few times which should reactivate the scale.

4. If “Scale 0g” is displayed your scales should be ready to weigh as usual.

Watch this video to learn how to clear a weighing scale issue should it not be working for your franking machine.

Follow these steps to clear scale issues:

1. Lift the scale from the franking machine and place to the side.

2. Reseat the scale back down, ensuring the contacts are firmly seated on the machine by moving the scale from side to side.

3. Click the Clear button on the franking machine.

4. If done correctly, the franking machine will recognise the scale.

Watch this video to learn how to fix your weighing scale should it not be working for your franking machine.

If your franking machine is not recognizing weight, there are no prices showing, your preset prices are not showing or your machine is displaying manual weight, then your scale will need fixing. Follow these steps to fix the weighing scale:

1. Lift the scale from the franking machine.

2. Reseat the scale back down, ensuring the contacts are firmly seated on the machine.

3. If done correctly, the franking machine will recognise the scale.

Note: Please ensure the weighing platform is clear.

Watch this video to learn how to reset your scale to zero grams for this franking machine.

To reset your scale to zero grams please follows the steps below:

1. You are on the home screen. Select display message “Scales 0 g”.

2. Select “Zero Scale”.

3. The scales will reset and then show the correct weight.

To resolve issues with your scale weighing erratically please follows the steps below:

1. Turn the meter off by removing the power lead.

2. Remove the scale and split it into two parts. Blow all around these two parts and also where the scale sits on the machine.

3. Replace all parts of the scale then replace the power lead.


The mail piece is not being weighed correctly by the scale.


The scale may not be communicating with the franking machine, may not be seated properly, or may not be level.


Start by zeroing the scale:

1. Remove any items from the scale.

2. From the main screen, select “SCALE”

3. Select “Zero the scale”

4. Test by weighing an item of known weight:
– a £1 coin weighs 9g.

If the scale is still not weighing correctly:
5. Remove the power lead, or switch the franking machine off using the switch at the back.

6. Remove the scale from the top of the franking machine. The scale comes in two parts so split the scale into two.

7. Make sure there are no obstructions by blowing around the 2 pieces of the scale, including the 9-pin connector underneath, and also the port where the scale sits on top of the franking machine.

8. Put the scale back together and reseat it onto the machine. Ensure the scale is re-seated correctly on top of the machine.

9. Replace the power lead and switch the franking machine on.

10. Once the franking machine returns to the home screen ensure the display shows “SCALE: 0 g”. If the display shows a different weight, zero the scale.

11. Test with an item of known weight, such as one of the coins listed at step 4.

12. If this does not resolve the issue, return to step 6 and remove the four rubber feet from the base of the scale whilst the scale is removed, this has occasionally been found to resolve the issue.